Friday, April 26, 2019

I Was In Love

I was in love
I was in love
I was in love with this boy
The kind of love that took over my every thought
I thought I would never be able to live without him
He taught me that I was capable of unconditional love
Unconditional love like 
without conditions

He taught me that I don’t get to choose who I love or how much I love them
My heart and my soul do what they want to do
He taught me what it was like to love someone so much it hurts
So much it hurts because he didn’t love me back
He didn’t love me back
He taught me that not everyone will love me back
I screamed to the heavens and asked to take away this love because it hurt so much

But I learned to love anyway
I learned to love from afar
I learned that I could love and be loved with the force of a tsunami and the all encompassing power of fire
I learned that I am deserving of that kind of love
That I desire that kind of love
I will wait for that kind of love

But even so
There will always be a part of me that is in love with him
A part that looks at him with stars in my eyes
A part of me that dreams of him
A part that sees him by my side
By my side
I'll see him by my side

Just like I did when I was in love